Buyer Persona

What Do You Need to Know About Buyer Persona?

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When you step into the world of marketing, you define a group of people who will likely be interested in buying your products or services. 

This group is the basis of what we call a target audience. Comprehensive strategies are made to sell. But what if all your efforts are aimed at the wrong target? 

Having the wrong idea about your customer’s needs and wants, or targeting the wrong buyer, can put you out of business. You are putting all the efforts and resources but at the wrong target; imagine how much a business will suffer. To avoid such kind of marketing mess, buyer personas are created. These help in laser-targeting the ideal audience and enjoy higher engagement and conversions. 

Learn about the whats and whys of buyer persona with us right here. 

What is Buyer Persona?

Buyer Persona
Buyer Persona helps you target ideal customer | Photo by Freepik

A buyer persona is a fictional embodiment of your ideal target customer. They are complex, intensive research-based target profiles that are given all the attributes of a prospect.

Generally, the buyer persona has several similar details as a real customer – demographics, behavior, interests, motivation, pain points, buying patterns, purchase goals, objectives. These are basically all the aspects that make a buyer choose you or even your competitor.

Businesses can have multiple target sections. Therefore, it is common to have more than one buyer persona for your business. The idea is to craft user-specific strategies to turn a user into a consumer. 

Why are Buyer Personas Important?

A study reveals 63% of marketers to be using buyer persona. Why are businesses drawn to it?

Your entire business is based on the needs and wants of your customers. If you want to sell and ship a product to someone, a solution must be given to the bugging problem they are facing. Or else, why would anyone make a purchase?

But times have proven that some marketers make the whole game about themselves. They start with their brands, their story, and the features of their products or services. While all of this is important for a consumer to know, until you don’t tell them how a particular product or service will alter their lives, none of it would matter.

Buyer personas, as the name suggests, consists of every detailing about the buyer. Creating it and using it in every strategy, right from product development to make a brand, keeps the objectives of the whole team aligned. As a result, the customers and their needs are always the centers of your product and marketing process. 

How to Create a Buyer Persona?

Buyer Persona
Example of a Buyer Persona | Photo by Freepik

Buyer personas are important and work effectively for both startups and enterprises. However, one might need to make multiple personas depending on the nature of the business – you can always start small and keep evolving. 

To create a buyer persona, one needs to work out through the following stages –

  • Research 

Start with researching and compiling accurate data about your target audience. Take help from social media analytics or Google Analytics and compile information like –

  • Personal information – age, gender, location, language, income, etc.
  • Professional information – job title, industry, company size, special skills, a typical workday, spending power & pattern, etc.
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Goals and challenges

Buyers spend the majority of their time on social media. Learn how and where they spend time on social media platforms.

  • Identify Problems

Now that you have a basic outline of your potential customers, find out the negative aspects and their pain points. If you have an established customer base, know what isn’t working for them with your product or services. Picking up on their pain points will provide you depth.

  • Identify the Goals

Next we focus on positive aspects. 

Know your persona’s goals and objectives, both personal and professional. Your product may or may not be relatable to these goals, but can be involved in the marketing tone of the brand to influence the audience.

  • Identify Your Role

Here comes your strategic role. 

Identify how your products or services can set into the pot of your customer’s needs. Once you do that, get into the shoes of a buyer and sell the characteristics of your business as benefits.

  • Create

So now you have all the raw facts. Group everything together systematically and witness a unique buyer persona being created out of abstract characteristics.

Project this unique data into a realistic description of a person. Keep updating it from time to time for fine-tuning your business performance.


Skytap, a cloud automation solutions service provider, witnessed a spike in sales leads by 124%, organic search traffic by 55%, online leads by 97%, and Nother-American site traffic by 210% after infusing business strategies with keeping buyer persona in mind.

Intel surpasses campaign benchmarks by 75% using buyer personas.

These figures aren’t limited to a few examples. Buyer personas have been proven influential in creating a better understanding of buyers. Putting in efforts in this process promises benefits in B2C and B2B content marketing, brand building, and sales generation. 

So invest your time, efforts, and energy in creating a buyer persona for your business. Once you’re done with creating buyer persona, let content marketing drive your business growth. 

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